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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  January 22, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PST

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to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. good morning. the inaugural festivities are not quite over.
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right now, the president and vice president and their wives are attending the national prayer service at the washington national cathedral. dating back to george washington, this service will include prayers, blessings and hymns to mark the beginning of a president's term in office. hi, everybody. good morning. great to have you with me today. i'm thomas roberts. topping our agenda, day one, term two. it all adds up to an emboldened barack obama. for the president and congress, it is back to business after president obama started his second term with an unapologetic and undaunted opening salvo. >> we have always understood that when times change, so must we. our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. we will respond to the threat of climate change. knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not sap our initiative. they strengthen us.
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they do not make us a nation of takers. they free us to take the risks that make this country great. >> the "wall street journal" saying that president obama vows aggressive agendas and the speech signaling a president set to fight over this new to-do list. the "new york times" offering this, saying obama offers liberal vision. we must act. >> i think he has finally decided, obviously, he's a free man electorally. he's not running again. so the handcuffs are off. i think he looked at the rear view mirror at the past four years and said you know, listen. >> critics are panning the president's inaugural address in partisan rhetoric, lacking very little bipartisan outreach. politico reporting that some members of the gop are calling the address fighting words. >> i was more hopeful that we would hear more bipartisanship.
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i was hoping that we would have a second term different than the first term. look, we have big problems in america and normally in divided government we achieve big things. >> this is what i want to do and i'm appealing to you, the american people, over the heads of republicans here in washington to get this done. >> this is a party in retreat and that's why the president did what he did. >> we are keeping an eye on the vice president and the president who are this morning attending the national prayer service at the washington national cathedral. there they are. but again, we are going to show you three smiling faces. my tuesday power panel. we have mark mckinnen, joy-ann reid and ben lebolt, former press secretary for the obama 2012 campaign as well as the daily beast contributor. co-founders of no labels, joy-ann reid.
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managing editor of the grio and msnbc contributor. gang, great to have you all here. let's start off with this. i want to paint the picture of this to-do list so everybody can see exactly what we're discussing here. the president went big, he went bold, starting with climate change, immigration, gay rights, women's rights, the middle class. joy-ann, do you think the president has set the spider web too wide, cast this too much to try to achieve, or is that the main point, to come out big and bold and throw as much spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks? >> i do, i think particularly when you have a second term inaugural speech, it's about laying out a vision. that vision can be bold and broad. this wasn't the policy speech. the policy speech is really the state of the union where you sort of get specific. but i thought this was just a broad, bold defense of liberal ideas. when i was listening to the speech, those points stuck out to me. it was the first time i had ever heard gay rights mentioned in an inaugural. it was a bold defense of social security and medicare, the sort of new deal, fdr sort of vision
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of the democratic state. it was i thought for liberals, for progressives, they had to have seen this as finally, a complete and total embrace by this president of progressivism. >> certainly a vindication for all the work they have done to see this barack obama show up and deliver that address. the "new yorker" says if it is followed by action it will be counted among the most important american political addresses of the modern era. ben, i want to ask you. they have highly touted the fact that the lily ledbetter act was the first piece of legislation the president signed. words into action. what are the first 100 days going to look like? >> well, i think he's going to aggressively pursue all these fronts. obviously we have big fiscal challenges. he is going to pursue deficit reduction in a balanced way that will include investments that are going to spur investments in clean energy jobs, things that will promote economic security for the middle class. i think that's the overarching goal. but there's a window for action on so many other items. immigration reform, i think both parties see that it's in their
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political self-interest to advance immigration reform. when you see that, i think the stars align for action on a big ticket item like that. >> all right. so mark, i want to talk to you about what we have been seeing when it comes to the right and the reaction to this speech. in politico when it says about the gop fighting words, very interestingly enough, newt gingrich is coming out and he said that i didn't think it was a very liberal reference to this address, i didn't think it was very liberal. there were one or two sentences obviously conservatives would object to but 95% of this speech i thought was classically american, emphasizing hard work, emphasizing self-reliance, emphasizing doing things together. i thought it was a good speech. so where did newt gingrich get the obama kool-aid over the inaugural weekend? because this does not sound like the same newt gingrich we have been hearing all through the primary and through the general. >> well, i quit a long time ago trying to predict or explain newt gingrich.
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let me just say broadly, i think that it was a soaring rhetorical speech but i think generally the partisan lines just got deeper, and i think that, you know, both president obama and president bush came to washington with the notion that they were going to change the culture of washington and for some similar and some different reasons, they both came to a conclusion they can't. i think that was the conclusion yesterday, president obama said he's going to dig in, wave the white flag, washington wins and politics as usual wins, which is unfortunate in some ways because i have talked to the freshman class of incoming congress folks and they campaign in an environment where people are really saying the opposite, saying we want problem solving above politics, we want people to work together. so i'm optimistic given some of the people i see coming into congress that there is an opportunity to work together and solve some of these problems. >> one thing i want to play for everybody was robert gibbs appearing on "morning joe" talking about exactly that, the divide or the way people are classified in this town. take a listen.
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>> in this town we tend to want to look at things and put them in one of three boxes, you know, liberal, moderate, conservative, left, right, center. i think this was pragmatism versus ideology. >> so when we hear that pragmatism versus ideology, mark, i want to ask you about this because coming up, you know, obviously with increasing the debt limit and knowing that that vote is going to come tomorrow and that is going to happen and there's not going to be this big foot stomping and dragging people down to the last minute, the vice president had said that after this election, the fever would break. are we looking at the fact that there is a broken fever and maybe that is the first step, that both sides are going to be willing to work together not for the advancement of individual party but for the advancement of this country? >> well, i'm encouraged by that. i think we are seeing some pragmatism on the republican side. i think we are seeing some good ideas come out, like no budget, no pay, which is something no labels has been pushing for a long time. we're seeing democrats on the senate side saying they are finally going to put forward a
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budget after four years, because budget is policy so i think we're seeing some thawing on both sides and some common sense coming forward because people realize that these problems are too big and we've got -- the only way to solve them is if we're going to come together. >> all right. so this is about the enduring ideas and finally, i just want to leave off with this. the national journal saying post-partisan no more. history doesn't make excuses. if obama's agenda fails because republicans don't bow to his demands, that will be on him. he has to work with or around the gop, apparently he's chosen the latter. joy-ann, is this all about getting the legacy which is about enduring ideas? this isn't about the moment but this is about things, a sea change for where this country is going to go, and that speech certainly was a sea change. >> yeah. i mean, if you look at barack obama's history, he is a guy who has a certain set of sort of big ideas, big things he wants to accomplish. and presidents have to make choices in that first year of their first term or second term about what sort of realistic things he can get through but i
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think he wants to do big things. health care was a huge thing. i think in this term, he can probably get one or two really big things done in the first two years. that's the choice that he's going to have to make. it will be interesting, i agree, i think immigration reform, gun control, those are two realistic things. thank god they won't fight over the debt limit. >> we will leave it here on a lighter note. real quickly, hope we have time for this, michelle obama versus beyonce. do we have that image? do we have those? all right. let's go ahead and show this video. i wanted to get you guys on this. lot of people are talking about who did it best. michelle obama or beyonce. ben? >> you know, i'm going to get in trouble either way. look -- >> walk it down the middle. >> i think it's working for both of them. >> joy-ann, i will ask you. beyonce, kelly clarkson. >> you know what, see, i hate to do this as well. i think kelly clarkson finished that song really well but beyonce gave fierce throughout. i thought she worked it. i thought she worked the whole
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performance overall. i have to give it to her. >> mark, i will ask you this. who do you think did it better, the better couple of the evening, the hammers or thomas roberts and patrick abner, if you take a look at this picture. we were on a double date last night. with hammer and his beautiful wife stephanie. only at the inaugural could this happen. >> bring the hammer back. i love it. >> he's such a nice guy. >> too legit lives on. >> too legit to quit. they were a great couple. they did not quit last night. party hopping to beat the band. my power panel for today, thanks for joining me. i really do appreciate it. thanks, guys. roe versus wade 40 years later and for the first time since then, a new level of support. i will talk with two women still fighting for women's rights. coming up, congresswoman gwen moore and nancy keenan. plus, heading home. prince harry back from afghanistan, talking about taking out taliban insurgents. then, the first lady wows
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welcome back. today marks 40 years, 40 years since roe versus wade, the landmark supreme court decision legalizing abortion. a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, a whop iping 70% believe that should be overturned. joining me now, wisconsin congresswoman gwen moore and
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nancy keenan from pro-choice america. great to have you here today. if we can put that full screen back up to show again what this new poll is showing, where we are today. 70% think it should not be overturned. we have seen this incremental increase from 1989 all the way up until now, where it has always had overwhelming support at 58% but now we're at 70%. congresswoman, i want to start with you and ask you why is this such a hot button issue in washington right now, especially given the fact that the 113th has just been sworn in but this seems like it's anew once again on capitol hill talking about trying to do away with abortion rights in this country. >> thomas, it is very perplexing to me. this is the 40th anniversary of roe v wade, the ability for women to have a safe and legal abortion but it really is 40 years of affirming motherhood. and to say as we've said in our oaths of office that we take
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that it should be done willfully and without purpose of evasion and that we go into it mindful of the responsibility that is ahead of us, i mean, parenting is difficult on your best day, and i think that it doesn't serve children and certainly doesn't serve women to be forced into parenthood, and i think that this is what the public has come to understand, that safe, legal abortions are very important to the health of children, women, the institution of motherhood and family and ultimately, to our society. the costs to our society are tremendous when children are unwanted or parents are unprepared to take on this tremendous responsibility. and so it is perplexing to me why mostly men are continuing to carry us to the back alley
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abortion pass. i do want to take time to thank nancy for her tremendous leadership over the past couple of years. she's about to retire, but we would not have been able to articulate and educate the public to the extent that we have without her leadership. >> let's talk more about what we have seen over the last couple of years. the national journal pointing out that abortion fight moves to the states while obama picks supreme court justices believed to support abortion rights and back federal funding for planned parenthood. state legislatures passed a record-setting number of restrictions over the past two years. talking about the midterms that happened in 2010 where overwhelmingly, republican controlled house got their hands on being able to craft more old-fashioned and very myopic laws that were trying to cut the rights off of women to have the rights that they had already had in place. how has that changed since this
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last election and how has it even changed the conversation, because it seems like we're having the same old conversations once again. >> again, you are exactly right, thomas, that the 2010 elections, we saw a lot of anti-choice politicians elected. they didn't run on this issue. had they run on it, they would have lost. but the fact is they ran on jobs, the economy, so we kind of got a bait and switch. the fact is in 2012, in this election, we elected more pro-choice members of congress and in the states but the battle in the state is raging very, very hot. and it is denying women access to this care. so it's no longer about the legality of abortion care. it is about access, because they keep putting barriers up for women and making this thinking that politicians should make the decision, not women and their doctors and their families. >> as we look at what the country and the geography of how things are laid out right now, congresswoman, there are states with just one abortion clinic in them and as we look at them, you can see them there, mississippi,
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arkansas, north dakota and south dakota. a lot of people, a lot of women and men as well around the country might be very surprised to learn that those states only have one place where women can go, and that is not only because there's a concern for the safety of those that work at those clinics in that state, it's also because there isn't an appetite to support more facilities like that in those states, correct? >> that's absolutely the case. and you know, when you start thinking about the jurymandering of the drawing of political lines that support the most right wing candidates across the country, democrats, thomas, received more votes than republicans did, but because of the jurymandering during redistricting it has been difficult to get pro-choice people elected to congress. perhaps in these states, citizens there can send a message, not just about abortion, but about affirming
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american values and rights to privacy. as nancy pointed out, this is a decision that should be between a woman and her doctor, not some politician from mississippi or south dakota who has decided what your fate ought to be. >> real quickly, if we can just put that map up once again, just the geography. i like people to see this. kansas there, which is not highlighted in the center of your screen, is the connective tissue there through nebraska to get up to the dakotas. the huffington post has a piece out saying the kansas abortion clinic where dr. george tiller practiced is set to reopen. that's coming up this spring. that case itself was so disruptive and disturbing for so many people that work within this industry. how hard has it been for that place to reopen and for the people that work there to actually feel safe to do what they're doing? >> enormous courage on the part of the people that work in
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clinics across this country, because they are there every day to provide care for women and in the case of kansas having to reopen a clinic so that women have access. women in rural america sometimes have to travel hundreds of miles to access this very basic common medical care, and again, what it boils down to is that we have to have people elected, whether it's a governor or legislators in the state or here in congress, that believe and trust women to make this decision and not politicians. so that is where the battle still rages, making sure women have access to this care across the country while still making sure that the politicians stay out of it. >> all right. today we mark that 40-year anniversary, yet it is still a hot button topic of conversation. congresswoman, thanks for your time. nancy, thanks so much. great to see you. we really appreciate it. coming up later on on "andrea mitchell reports" sarah weddington, one of the attorneys who argued the roe versus wade case, will be andrea's guest. e ?
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our journey is not complete until all our children from the streets of detroit to the hills of appalachia to the quiet lanes of newtown know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm. >> president obama yesterday during his second inaugural speech addressing gun violence and today, congress officially begins to tackle the issue of gun control as they return to washington. joining me now is senator chris murphy, a democrat from connecticut. sir, it's great to have you with me today. the president alluded to gun violence in his speech but did not exactly use the term gun control. so does he need to be more aggressive on this front, especially when it comes to the state of the union address, which is his next big remarks? >> i expect that he will use the state of the union address to specifically challenge the congress to adopt his
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recommendations. he has been very aggressive about this, because newtown has personally affected him in a way these other tragedies haven't. when he walked into the school to give his address a few days after the massacre, he said to all of us that the worst day of his presidency was that friday. so listen, i'm glad the president put this on the agenda in his inaugural address and i'm expecting him to come to the state of the union address to really press republicans and democrats to come together on this. there is no reason that we shouldn't pass something. the nra is not the political force it once was. they have marginalized themselves through their conduct of the last few weeks and we absolutely have a moment in time where we can pass anti-gun violence legislation if the president sticks to his advocacy. >> it's a moment in time but it is still an uphill climb. as you know, the connecticut legislature is considering some major changes to the state's already progressive mental health policy. but what are the chances you and your senate colleagues will
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agree on comprehensive legislation along the lines of what president obama is proposing? >> i think the chances are high. you've already seen democrats who previously had basically stuck to the nra line, breaking with the nra. you have seen republicans in the house of representatives saying they are willing to consider pretty remarkable gun legislation. i just think this mythology that's been built up about the impossibility of gun reform has been shattered. it's been shattered first by what happened in newtown. everything is different after those 20 kids died. but it's also changed as people looked at the nra's performance in the last election. the nra only won about 20% of the races that they played in so to the extent that there are any members that are worried about the political implications of taking on the nra, they just aren't there like they used to be, maybe ten years ago. >> but when you talk about the nra, and we talk about people on the left who might be obstacles as well in the senate, we have to look at which came first, the chicken or the egg. was it the fact that senate
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democrats like harry reid and joe manchin were always pro-gun or were they pro-gun because they get support of the nra, and have such good ratings from them. what do you think is going to be the onus to get these gentlemen on board from the left to the president's proposals when they have always been supportive of the nra and its desires in the past? >> well, i think you have to separate what the nra stands for and what gun owners stand for. the fact is that the nra has essentially become a lobbying arm of the gun manufacturers and when you poll gun owners, gun owners want universal background checks. they want a ban on high capacity magazines. they understand that taking away assault weapons doesn't infringe on their ability to enjoy their sport. so i just think you have to separate the nra which makes money off the sale of guns and responsible gun owners in all parts of this country who are going to be willing to take a look at a lot of these reforms the president has proposed. >> senator chris murphy, sir, thanks for taking time for me this morning. i really appreciate it. >> thank you.
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just ahead, the invisible war. academy award nominated documentary detailing a nearly untold story of sexual assaults in the u.s. military. wait until you see that. plus, he describes himself as being made in cuba, assembled in spain and imported to the u.s. inaugural poet, richard blanco, joins me next. but first, this has to be one of the cutest moments from the inauguration. malia obama photo bombing a picture she took of her parents kissing. you see her lean in to block the picture and making a funny face there. siblings will do that. a rare moment of intimacy on display with the first family. twins. i didn't see them coming.
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i have obligations. cute obligations, but obligations. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. the president's inaugural speech has left many people wondering what it will mean for the obama coalition. that means women, lgbt americans as well as latinos, all people who would like to see something done for the things that they feel are missing in their life.
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as a discounted electorate in the past, they can say they are no more. joining me to talk more about that, nbc latino contributor, victoria soto. great to have you here. i know this weekend was certainly a big one in and around washington, d.c. for subsector events. voto latino had a huge event over the weekend with rosario dawson, eva longoria was here over the weekend as well, all showing the fact the voices that were unified in this election, it worked, and now they're asking what can we see in the next four years. can immigration reform walk side by side with what has become first and foremost now with this administration gun control? >> i do, thomas. the time has come for immigration reform, but the real fight for immigration reform isn't going to be between democrats and republicans. it's going to be between republicans and to a lesser
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extent, between democrats. immigration is one of the few issues that has historically cut across party lines, so going back to the turn of the century with the first wave of immigrants we saw, you always had republicans or business interests that wanted more immigrants and your middle and lower class folks that were nervous about having more job competition. the one change, however, that makes me optimistic is the role of labor. traditionally labor has been opposed to immigration but just as recently as 2009, the afl-cio together with change to win came together and said okay, we are officially on board, here's our plan to provide for not just immigration but comprehensive immigration reform. so the president is going to be able to come to the table with labor, obviously latinos and progressive folks to push for immigration reform. there's going to be some debate among democrats about how long folks are going to have to wait to get citizenship, what fines they're going to have to pay, but the agreement is there for
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the legal status. >> you bring up labor. over the weekend, i had a chance to attend the voto latino event and secretary of labor hilda solis was there along with rosario dawson and maria kumar, who organized the event. it was an amazing event, not only for the fact that when these women unified their voices, it's powerful, but the fact that the room went completely silent and in d.c., as you know, going to these events a lot of times, the rooms don't get the hush, they don't get the quiet and attention that they need. so it was very interesting to see those that were coming together to reflect on what they were able to do through voto latino that they were willing to listen even more. but the thing about it is, now they want to see something done with what they were able to collectively provide which is president obama's second term. but how long are people going to display patience that they may have already used up during the first four years? >> we've been waiting for a long
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time. this promise was made back during the first campaign. that being said, we do know historically speaking from the 1986 immigration reform and the 1965 immigration reform that it does take a long time. it took 18 years, approximately, to get to the 1986 immigration reform. it's been taking us over a decade but i think the time is right. we see republicans and democrats coming to the fore so we have the political pressure and also the internal workings setting it up to work. >> well, we shall see how it moves forward. but as it is a part of the broader speech that the president gave, the civil rights speech of a generation that people look at that speech as, it will be interesting to see what comes next. great to see you. safe travels back today. thanks for being here. all of us, as vital as the one light we move through, the same light on blackboards with
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lessons for the day, equations to solve, history to question or atoms imagined. the i have a dream we all keep dreaming. or the impossible vocabulary of sorrow that won't explain the empty desks of 20 children marked absent today and forever. >> it was a stirring, intimate and modern tribute to america in verse both uplifting and heartbreaking and historic in its own right. joining me is the man who wrote the poem exclusively, richard blanco, inaugural poet. correct myth from legend here. we understand there were three poems that you had penned for this and the white house picked this one. however, it wasn't your favorite. so explain the other two poems and why one was top on the list as opposed to this one.
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>> well, i think it was part of the challenge of writing the occasional poem so one of my options, one that at first was my favorite was one that was very autobiographical about my mom's journey, exile from cuba. but after a few days, i realized that actually, the poem that they picked was really not only the most appropriate poem but actually the better poem and the really fitting poem for the occasion. it's just that my heart was closer to one, but then i really fell in love with one today. once i got my head around sort of really what this occasion was really about. but they did -- i did have to write three, yes. >> and it still honored your mom and her work as a cashier for nearly 20 years and what she was able to do to provide in you, moving forward with your own american dream. this has to be a huge achievement in the american dream status. not only are you the youngest poet, you are the first hispanic and openly gay inaugural poet as
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well. lgbt history in the making yesterday, not lost in the president's own address when he meshed it with the civil rights movement. i just want to remind everybody exactly what the president said. take a listen. >> we, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths, that all of us are created equal, is the star that guides us still, just as it guided our forebearers through seneca falls and selma and stonewall -- >> you know, many, including "the new yorker" had written a piece in part saying that this was america's most important gay rights speech. to you, having been there front and center as a witness of this and also as a person who is making history within that inaugural itself, how do you feel as it was a turning point and that you were a part of that
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turning point in american history? >> well, it all seemed to come together at that moment, especially i was sitting there listening to the speech and of course, my nerves were a little wrecked at the moment, waiting to get to the podium. but it gave me all the more confidence to be up at that podium after hearing the president's speech, and i love the way it was couched as well as sort of a civil rights issue, comparing it to those other references he made. so you know, it's something that i felt the history happening at that moment and to be able to be up there as a gay man at that moment as well was just, to follow that was amazing. you know, this process has been so overwhelming and so fast and so quick that i think as the weeks and months go by, there's going to be a lot more settling into my psyche about all this but certainly at that moment, it was -- i felt it and i think
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everybody felt it on the platform, especially, up there. >> you did a great job and you are a part of history, my friend. congratulations to you, author and inaugural poet, richard blanco. thanks so much. we appreciate your time today. >> thank you. it was a pleasure. coming up next, the invisible war. it's the other war that some females in the u.s. military are dealing with. and they are going up against some big obstacles. we'll talk about that. plus, the lady in red. michelle obama once again shines at the inaugural ball. our big question to you, do you believe the president can deliver on the agenda that he outlined in that inaugural address? let's bring you back to the national cathedral in washington, d.c. as we told you at the top of the hour, president obama and vice president biden are both there today. it is an inauguration tradition. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪ i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast.
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the year award during the rape investigation. >> it was a laughing matter. >> he says you're the third girl to report rape this week. everybody is all in cahoots? you think this is a game? >> those are clips from "the invisible war" a powerful movie taking a look at what it calls the epidemic of sexual assault inside the u.s. military through the eyes of the assault victims themselves. sexual assaults in the military are the subject of a hearing tomorrow morning on capitol hill. joining me is retired tactical sergeant jennifer norris, who will testify before members of congress tomorrow. great to have you here. i got to see this film a week and a half ago. it opened my eyes to what has been going on for a long time within the military services, certainly for females as well as men who are featured in this movie. as a survivor of sexual assault in the military, you now travel the country sharing your story with others. what are you hoping to impart to congress tomorrow? >> the biggest thing that we would like to point out to congress is that we feel as
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survivors there really isn't a checks and balances in place when it comes to the justice process. we want and will not stop until the reporting of violent crimes is taken out of the chain of command within the military and like everybody else, we can report to legal authorities. >> all right. so for everybody out there, we want to take a closer look at these numbers so that they understand what the eye-opening figures are. more than 3,000 sexual assaults were reported in the military in 2011. just 1500 led to referrals for action. of that number, just 191 led to convictions at court-martial. explain the environment that leads to the fact that so many of these can be discounted and tossed away, these charges. >> as it stands right now, if something happens to you, if you are raped or assaulted, we need to report that to our commanders. so we need to report that a violent crime has occurred because it's within their jurisdiction to handle it if it's within the military.
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and there is inherent biases within that process, because first of all, we may be too fearful to go to the commander, because they might be really good friends with the person who actually did the crime. the commander could be the one that did the crime. estimates are that 23%, one out of four people in the chain of command, are the ones that are actually perpetrating these crimes. and just as of late, we found out that 30% of the commanders that are losing their positions are losing their positions as a result of sex-related offenses. so they are basically asking us to possibly turn to predators to report a crime. >> and to receive help for it. the one thing that will really blow people's minds away is the fact that when you look at this film, for so many women that have come forward to bring charges of sexual assault and
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complaints of sexual assault, if those charges were then dismissed against the assailant, the women, unmarried, have then been charged with adultery because their assailants were married. i think people in this country will be shocked to learn that. >> yes, and it happens more often than you would like. as a matter of fact, it's the majority of cases that that happens. it turns out that if they can't prove a case, then the commander can turn around and say well, you lied and now you're going to be in trouble for lying. and all you have to do is close ranks. if you report this crime to your commander and the people who know about it close ranks and the commander joins them, you have no recourse. you are stuck. with dealing with basically, you just reported a crime, they now don't like you because you are one of them, and so you have nowhere to turn and then they're turning around and retaliating against you as a result to basically run you out. >> tomorrow, you will have the
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opportunity to testify before congress. retired technical sergeant jennifer norris, thanks for coming in and sharing your story. we wish you nothing but the best moving forward. thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> absolutely. prince harry is now back from a four-month tour of duty in afghanistan. he's being really frank about killing members of the taliban. becoming an uncle, and also, that infamous romp in vegas. >> there's people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, you know, we'll take on the game, i suppose. i'm thrilled for both of them. it's about time. i can't wait to be an uncle. i don't really want to get into details of what i think or what other people think. at the end of the day, i let myself down and let other people down. at the end of the day i was in a private area and there should be a certain amount of privacy one should expect. >> it is the interview everyone's talking about. harry also says he let his family down as we heard right there. obviously, contrite. back with more after this. what are you doing?
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the first lady wows in jason wu. it's time for the poli-side bar. she chose another dress by the young designer to wear. this time a ruby red chiffon and velvet gown. the first couple danced al green performed by jennifer hudson. the first lated tweeted about that touching moment saying just dance to let's stay together with the love of my life and the president of the united states. i'm so proud of barack. m.o. jason wu tweeted too. in shock. militia obama was caught making a facial gesture while house speaker boehner was chatting with the president. that conversation might have had something to do with the length of the president's remarks. the speaker said he agreed he should keep it quick. president obama in his inaugural address that millions had watched made what some have called the most important gay rights speech in u.s. history. >> our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and
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sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. for, if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. >> my next guest is no stranger to the lgbt fight for equality. he was ousted from the air force in 2002 under don't ask don't tell. when someone outed him as gay. this time around he is front and center as citizen co-chair. david haul, the service members legal defense network joins me now. david, it's great to have you here, and i know this has been a busy weekend for you. no one anticipated that the president would take such a bold stance in the inaugural speech when it came to lgbt issues. what does it mean to you to have heard that, but also to be included in the capacity to which you were for this inaugural? >> i think it was a great day for lgbt rights. i think that the president, by one, picking -- having that speech, but then also picking a
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co-chair that represented one of his biggest accomplishments which was the repeal of don't ask don't tell. i mean, i think it shows that he is really, you know, ms fight for lgbt rights. i think it also points out that, you know, is he going to need the help of the american citizens to move forward on this. we know the republicans will probably fight us every way to make sure we don't get those rights, and we'll have to step up and help him accomplish this goal. >> a lot of people want to say words into action when we talk about chuck hagel becoming secretary of defense. are there worries not only from you personally but professionally and what service members legal defense knelt work does? >> there are. if we don't get the right people in those positions, you know, it's going to set us back. it could set us back many years. you know well, fought long and hard to get the repeal of don't ask don't tell, but our service members still aren't treated equally, and we'll have to really basically stay on the top of our game to make sure that who the president is picking as well as, you know, what we're hearing from the senate and from
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the congress and that we keep moving this ball forward. >> we certainly know that there are ears in the white house are listen and the president talking direct will you to you as well as being included with this inaugural over the weekend. i'm sure you're proud. david hall, service members legal defense network, thank you for coming in. i really appreciate it. >> thank you, thomas. >> absolutely. that's going to wrap things up for me. i'll see you again tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern. back in new york city. don't go anywhere, though. now with alex wagner, she is also here in d.c., and she's coming up next. spark cash card from capital one, olaf gets great rewards for his small business! pizza! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! helium delivery. put it on my spark card! [ pop! ] [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve great rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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